I wanted to make a massage bar that helps with reducing inflammation. I was experimenting with different percentages to come up with the right texture and feel for this massage bar. This massage bar will melt into your skin and help with sore muscles. You just rub it into the skin and massage away with your hands. The key ingredient used is turmeric powder that has been infused in olive oil. … [Read more...]
Protecting The Skin’s Barrier
What I am learning about the skin as it relates to formulating is that our skin’s barrier protects us from internal factors, and external factors such as heat, cold, and the sun. As formulators we want to create products that protect and nourish the skin. One of the functions of the skin is that it acts as a barrier to prevent water loss so that we do not dry out. If your skin is dry, it is … [Read more...]
Formulating A Mango Body Butter
When I became interested in making my own natural skincare products I bought a few books that shared recipes with measurements of cups, teaspoons, and drops. But, this method did not teach me how to formulate my own skincare products. It just taught me how to follow a “recipe” to make a product. That began my journey in learning the art and science of skincare formulation. And beginning to … [Read more...]
Rose Body Butter
Because I still have some rose infusion left, I decided to make a rose body butter. I have been wanting to make this Rose Body Butter for quite some time. It has really been a joy learning to make my own skincare products, and I love making body butters. Body butters are anhydrous so they don’t contain any water, unless you make an emulsified body butter. Because there is no water in this body … [Read more...]
Rose Lotion Bar
Lotion bars are solid with moisturizing benefits for the skin. Because water was not used in this formulation, a preservative was not used. When rubbed between your hands, the heat from your body melts the lotion bar and it can then be applied to your body. It is solid at room temperature. I am discovering different uses for beeswax in skincare. Beeswax was used in ancient times by the … [Read more...]